Mon - Fri: 8:00 - 5:00

Smart, Friendly Service


Northern New Jersey


Central New Jersey


Thank you for reaching out!

Our price for 2 new, high-quality, high-cycle extension springs and 2 top quality cables for single-wide doors is $155.97 installed, tax included.

Here’s how we arrive at that number:

  1. We don’t charge a service call charge, meaning we don’t charge to show up and say hello.
  2. Our labor rate is $75/hour with a 1 hour minimum. Your call should almost certainly be done within an hour, so labor will be $75.
  3. Our springs are very high quality, high-cycle springs. They are $38 each, so $38 x 2 = $76. For Yelp customers, we will include the cables for free.

$75 + $76 = $151 total cost + $4.97 tax (on the labor only) = $155.97 including tax

Please feel free to call us anytime to schedule the repair. 609-445-4444.

Thanks again!